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Cardiff is looking for creative ways to entertain people in lockdown, and Cardiff-based Arts Active have come up with a digital arts festival that people can enjoy whilst staying safe and socially distanced at home.

‘Out of Doors’ will provide free access to online activities and will include artist-led activities and mini projects to encourage people of all ages, not just kids, to be at one with nature whilst learning in a creative and fun way.

As the city steps tentatively out of lockdown, it wants to encourage young people particularly to enjoy nature in a fun, creative but importantly, a safe way. Being out of doors, now more than ever, has a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing.  This digital festival will bring all of these elements together to learn new things in a fun and creative way. 

In addition, Arts Active are producing Creativity Parcels delivered to support young people who are unable to access online activities due to rural locality, areas of deprivation and others within central south Wales.

The festival will run from Saturday 18 July – Saturday 15 August 2020. More information here.

Contact: Beverley Watson
Source: eurocities